Abridged Commentary (Part 0 – 27)
This was one of our issues that was created for a particular exhibition, A Many Splintered Thing, that we (along with Susanne Stich) curated for Void Gallery, Derry. It was an interesting exhibition featuring three Russian and one Dutch artist. It caused much debate and was very popular. Likewise was the Abridged publication, 500 were snapped up during the run of the show. This was despite the printer doing their best to ruin it. The issue was meant to be A5 landscape shaped. We had intended the production quality to be of the usual Abridged standard. Unfortunately the printer had other ideas and we ended up with a stapled together monstrosity. We were not happy and did not pay. Most people didn’t notice and loved the publication/exhibition but we weren’t happy with the magazine’s production values at all. We didn’t use that company again. Content-wise it’s one of our favourite and heart-breaking issues. The imagery and poetry fitted really well together. The title was, ahem, appropriated, from a song from that industrial groove machine originating in the People’s Republic of West Yorkshire.
Abridged 0 – 27 was funded by The British Council.
Abridged is funded by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Ireland.
This Zone Archive project is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland.