Abridged Commentary Part 0-43

This issue from 2015 (which seems a different world now) represents a synthesis of some of our favourite hobby-horses: mythological geography, oblivion, and (a somewhat unintentional but emergent preoccupation over the years) the many things that water can mean. Of the five rivers of the underworld, we opted for Lethe, the river of forgetfulness (always inclined to lean into ambiguity). The art in this issue (however ironically) certainly left a mark in memory: this one definitely features some favourites. (Sorry, do we always say that?). The print edition was A4 portrait.


Cover Image: Kerstin Zahn

Abridged 0-43 was funded by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland

Abridged is funded by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Arts Council of Ireland

This Zone Archive Project is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland