Abridged Commentary Part 0-56

This issue is both part two of our control-alt-delete trilogy, and our 15th anniversary issue. To mark the occassion, we ALTered our approach (…sorry). Instead of putting out an open call for poetry submissions, we asked a selection of past contributors to Abridged to revisit a poem they’d written in the past and rewrite it, creating an alternative. Most of their points of departure are noted beneath their new poem, many nodding back to past issues of Abridged. All of the images in here are by Derry artist Locky Morris, and the issue accompanied an exhibition in Verbal Arts Centre called ‘#theverywalls’ (bringing us uncannily ‘home’ for our birthday). A5 portrait, this was also our first pocket-sized (sort of) issue since the very early years. Though, of course, we didn’t stick to that…


Abridged 0-56 was funded by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland

Abridged is funded by The Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Arts Council of Ireland

This Zone Archive Project is funded by The Arts Council of Ireland


Cover Image: Locky Morris